Participate in P.A.R.T.Y.
Information for Schools
The dynamic, interactive health promotion program is aimed at teenagers aged 14 years and over to promote injury prevention and allow them to recognise risks and make informed choices about activities and behaviours.
The program incorporates a tour around the hospital, following the journey of the trauma patient.
Clinicians in each area will speak with the students. Students can role-play activities to experience some of the difficulties injury survivors face.
The day concludes with an interactive discussion with an injury survivor from the Paraplegic Benefit Fund (PBF).
The hospital-based Program is restricted to groups of no more than 30. A waiting list exists.
Outreach programs are also available for groups of students unable to attend the full day program.
Free bus parking is available onsite on request.
Please contact P.A.R.T.Y Program Co-ordinator on:
Phone 9224 1429
Information for Parents
The aim is to reduce traumatic injury in youth as a result of poor choices and risk-taking behaviour. Whilst participating in the program your child will be supervised by school and RPH staff.
A vital part of the program is evaluation via a confidential questionnaire. This evaluation assists in determining whether or not the program is meeting its aims and objectives.
If you choose to allow your child to participate, they will be asked to complete a questionnaire before, after and three months after the program to assess any change in thinking about risk taking behaviours.
Occasionally we have requests via our Communications Team from media agencies to highlight the Program. This may involve photography or written and verbal quotes from students for use on social media, TV and websites. If preferred, you can opt out of the media involvement.
Information for Students
The Program aims to reduce the number of young people who suffer traumatic injury because of poor choices and risk taking. We want to help you recognise risks and make informed choices about your activities and behaviours.
You will spend a full day following what happens to an injury survivor at Royal Perth Hospital (RPH). The people who care for them -- paramedics, doctors, nurses and physiotherapists who will describe the painful journey of a trauma patient.
You will learn about head and spinal injuries and be given hands-on experience and role-playing opportunities with equipment used in trauma care and rehabilitation.
You will hear from an injury survivor who will talk about the choices and events that led to their injury and how their lives have been impacted. You can ask questions and learn first-hand what life is really like for them.
We will ask you to complete a five-minute questionnaire about risk taking behaviour. Discuss this with your parent or guardian.
If you both agree that you can participate in the evaluation, you can complete a questionnaire when you arrive at the hospital, at the end of the day and three months later.
You will be asked the same questions in each questionnaire to see your thoughts on risk-taking behaviour before and after you participate in the P.A.R.T.Y. Program.
Only the staff associated with the P.A.R.T.Y. Program will have access to information and all answers will remain completely confidential.
The questionnaires you complete will not have your name on them. A number will be allocated to you, and this will be used on all your questionnaires.
Outreach Program
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The program is also offered as an outreach session, with an experienced trauma nurses visiting your school or youth group for 60 to 90 minutes,
The program is best suited for students in Year 10, 11 and 12. Class-sized groups are ideal.
We recommend any student who has been affected by a recent or significant trauma should not attend the P.A.R.T.Y Program.
The audiovisual presentation explores risks, choices and consequences associated with alcohol, drugs and risk-taking behaviour.
Some of the presentation can be quite graphic, so teacher supervision or access to a counsellor/chaplain is recommended.
Students are invited to complete a pre and post questionnaire.
For further information, contact the Coordinator at:
Phone 9224 1429
A presentation can be arranged by an injury survivor who has experienced spinal cord injury (Paraplegic Benefit Fund (external link) or Synapse (external link)).
Fees may apply. Consider wheelchair access if necessary.